During the formation process, nephrite jade sometimes becomes exposed to higher temperatures than normal. When this occurs, some of the jade converts into a different material called diopside, which can be interspersed with the jade and create vivid patterns within it. This pendant is carved from a section of jade that underwent this formation process from the Nelson region, and showcases both the swirling patterns of diopside and the vivid blue of a Nelson blue nephrite jade. It's been carved in a shield-like freeform style that best shows off the amazing patterns within this stone.
Measuring in at 89mm long and 53mm wide, this is a striking piece indeed that's suited to the lover of the large. While certainly robust and light enough to be worn every day, the fantastic colouration and patterns in this piece make it a stand-out example of a pendant for fancy wear. The form is curved to rest comfortably against the chest and remove excess weight from the stone.
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SKU: WSJ0416
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